Saturday, September 11, 2004

Did You Know This Before?

Sir – Did You Know That:

The garden of Eden was in Iraq, Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq, the cradle of civilization! Noah built the ark in Iraq. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq!. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor, which is in Iraq, Jacob met Rachel in Iraq, Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel. Amos cried out in Iraq!, Babylon, which is in Iraq, destroyed Jerusalem. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq! The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (Jesus had been in Iraq also as the fourth person in the fiery furnace!) Belshazzar, the King of Babylon, saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq. Ezekiel preached in Iraq. The wise men were from, Iraq. Peter preached in Iraq. The "Empire of Man" described in the Revelation is called Babylon, which was a city in Iraq!And you have probably seen this one. Israel is the nation most often mentioned in the Bible. But do you know which nation is second? It is Iraq! However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible.
The names used in the Bible are Babylon, Land of Shinar, and Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia means between two rivers, more exactly between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The name Iraq means country with deep roots. Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very significant country in the Bible. Here's why!

Eden was in Iraq - Genesis 2:10-14, Adam & Eve were created in Iraq - Genesis 2:7-8, Satan made his first recorded appearance in Iraq - Genesis 3:1-6, Nimrod established Babylon & The Tower of Babel was built in Iraq, Genesis 10:8-97; 11:1-4. The confusion of the languages took place in Iraq - Genesis 11:5-11, Abraham came from a city in Iraq - Genesis 11:31; Acts 7:2-4, Isaac's bride came from Iraq - Genesis 24:3-4; 10, Jacob spent 20 years in Iraq - Genesis 27:42-45; 31:38. The first world Empire was in Iraq - Daniel 1:1-2; 2:36-38. The greatest revival in history was in a city in Iraq - Jonah 3. The events of the book of Esther took place in Iraq – Esther. The book of Nahum was a prophecy against a city in Iraq – Nahum. The book or Revelation has prophecies against Babylon (Iraq's former name), Revelation 17 & 18. No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy associated with it than Iraq. And also…

This is something to think about! Since America is typically represented by an eagle, Saddam should have read up on his Muslim passages... The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible).Koran (9:11) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace. (Note the verse number!) n

God Bless you all, Amen!


  1. Very interesting indeed! I enjoyed the article and that is one reason I am sharing it with you; however, I disagree with the writer's conclusion of applying a Qur'anic "prophesy" to the current mess in Iraq.

    God bless the Iraqis and open their eyes to the risen Lord, Jesus.


  2. Very interesting indeed! I enjoyed the article and that is one reason I am sharing it with you; however, I disagree with the writer's conclusion of applying a Qur'anic "prophesy" to the current mess in Iraq.

    God bless the Iraqis and open their eyes to the risen Lord, Jesus.


  3. Did You Know This?

    Sir – I would like to point out that Abraham's reference to chapter 9 verse 11 (Koran 9:11) and the translation he presented is not factually accurate.

    The actual translation does not contain any such references. The University of California has published three different translations of this and none of them make references to an eagle; neither have they implications such as is implied by Abraham's translation. In fact, the verse seems to be a hoax circulating on the Internet.

    Here are the actual translations of Koran 9:11

    SHAKIR: But if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, they are your brethren in faith; and We make the communications clear for a people who know.

    YUSUFALI: But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity,-they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand.

    PICKTHAL: But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. n

    Yonatan Amezene

    Atlanta, Georgia.



  4. You are a somali christain as understand, how do you seem to think a christian who claims that they are in somalia will even go through a somali brain,

    You are simply nothing but a blog hog who lives somewhere in north america, trust me i can sense that, why did you become christian, why did you disobey your mom and dad and become a christian,

    and yeah, please dont advertise your religion like its gaining popularity in my country, because the only thisng you seem to not understand is the right way and path, because according to the real world somalia has less than 000.01% christans, may you are the only one out there.

  5. Salaan
    Horta in aad fulay tahay waxaa kuu caddayn in aad qarisay magacaaga! War geel beele, haddii aad run isku hayso aan is aragno oo aan weji ka weji u sheekaysanno. Meeshii aad doonto ayaan ku kulmi karnaa Xamar.

    Hadda waa ku kaas

