Friday, October 14, 2005

Militia leader calls for Islamic rule in Somalia

Somali Terror Leader, Hassan Dahir Aweys

Militia leader calls for Islamic rule in Somalia

Alleged al-Qaida collaborator calls for end to interference from the west

Somalia fundamentalist leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys speaks to the Associated Press on Wednesday during a telephone interview. The United States and the United Nations have placed him on international blacklists. Osman Hassan / AP

NAIROBI, Kenya - An influential religious leader and alleged al-Qaida collaborator vowed in an interview Wednesday to establish an Islamic state in Somalia, a Horn of Africa nation the United States fears could grow into a major base for Islamic terrorists.

“The Western world should respect our own ideas in choosing the way we want to govern our country, the way we want to go about our own business. That is our right,” said Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, a key figure in a growing religious camp vying with secular factions for control of Somalia.

Despite peace talks and the formation last year of a transitional government, Somalia remains a patchwork of heavily armed clan fiefdoms — with no government to provide such basics as schools, hospitals, phone service, even traffic lights.

Earlier this year, the parliament and Cabinet split into two factions. As a result, fundamentalists offering Islam as a solution have drawn support in Somalia, and there are concerns that Aweys’ followers pose a military threat to the transitional government.

Linked by U.S. to 9/11The United States linked Aweys to al-Qaida shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Last week, the United Nations reported that he was arming hundreds of men to keep the Western-backed transitional government from taking power after years of clan fighting.

U.S. officials have repeatedly expressed concern that Somalia, which has not had a central government since warlords ousted dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1992, could become an Islamic terrorist haven. Investigations have shown that terrorist attacks on Kenyan soil in 1998 and 2002 were launched from Somalia.

In a report earlier this year, the International Crisis Group, a Belgium-based think tank, said the threat of terrorism inspired by an extremist interpretation of Islam “in and from Somalia is real” and identified Aweys as an important Islamist leader.

Speaking by telephone from a mosque in northern Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, Aweys told The Associated Press Wednesday that his enemies invented allegations he is a terrorist and that non-Muslims too often think that all fundamentalist Muslims are terrorists.

“I would advise the Western world to change their mind, because all of the time they call the Islamic countries, the Islamic people, terrorists, which is not true,” he said. “That is one of the things that has been pulling Islamists and the Western world apart.”

He said he and his followers, who include armed militiamen, would not rest until they had established an Islamic government in Somalia. He said he opposed efforts to install a Western-style democracy and called for the international community to leave Somalis alone to choose their own future.

Aweys said he would wage holy war on any foreign forces that enter Somalia, and that he plans to have an important role in the country’s future.

“I can influence all of my people with the faith and our religion,” Aweys said. “The existing government is not an Islamic one and we will be having our own Islamic faith and we will be very strong in influencing our people.”

Contact with Osama bin Laden?Aweys did not answer directly when asked whether he has ever had contact with al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden or whether he has been accepting funding and weapons from Eritrea, neighboring Ethiopia’s longtime rival. But he said he has the right to make contact with and have relations with anyone he wants.

SOMALIA: Maps, facts and figures

Aweys co-founded the Islamic group al-Itihaad al-Islamiya in the early 1990s. The United States alleges that during this time Aweys made contact with bin Laden, then living in Sudan.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, an old enemy of Aweys, sent troops into Somalia to stop al-Itihaad. Al-Itihaad’s armed wing was destroyed, but the group’s founders continued to lead mosques and teach in religious schools.

said al-Itihaad doesn’t exist anymore and he now leads a political party, the Somali Salvation and Unity Council. In recent years, Aweys said he has helped form Islamic courts to provide security for civilians and to sort out disputes in the absence of a government.

These courts have recently begun using armed militias to enforce their rulings and Aweys has become an important religious and political leader.

In September, U.N. experts monitoring an arms embargo on Somalia reported that Islamic hard-liners, including Aweys, were importing high explosives, mines, hand and rifle-fired grenades, anti-tank weapons and ammunition and anti-aircraft guns and ammunition.

Source: AP, Oct. 12, 2005

1 comment:

  1. Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways oo ku dhawaaqay oo ku dhawaaqay inuu Soomaaliya ka dhisayo Dawld Islaami ah.

    Khartoum(Sudan Tribune)-

    Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aways oo ah hoggaamiye Diimeed oo ka mid ah qabqablayaasha hubaysan ee Soomaaliya ayaa ku dhawaaqay inuu qorshaynayo sidii Soomaaliya looga dhisi lahaa dawlad Islaam ah.

    Hadalkaas waxa uu Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways ku shegay Waraysi toddobaadkan uu Wargeyska Sudan Tribube, oo ka soo baxa dalka Suudaan.

    “Reer Galbeedku iskuma dayi karaan inay joojiyaan in Soomaaliya ay ka aasasanto dawlad Islaam ah” ayuu yidhi Sheekh Xasan Aways oo sheegay in isaga iyo taageerayaashiisu doonayaan inay jihad kala hortagaan cid kasta oo Ajanebi ah oo shisheeya ah oo doonaya inay farogelin ku sameeyaan arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya.

    Sheekh Xasan Daahir, oo ah Aasasihii ururka Al-Itixaad oo uu Soomaaliya ka sameeyay sannadihii Sagaashamaadkii, ayaa Maraykanku wuxuu ku eedeeyeen in uu xidhiidh dhow la leeyahay Hoggaamiyaha Ururka Al-Qaacida, Cusama Bin Ladin, oo uu markii u horaysay gacan saar la yeeshay markii Cusaama Binladen joogay dalka Sudan horaantii Sagaashamaadkii.

    Dhaqdhaqaaqii hubaysnaa ee Ururka Al-Itaxaad ee Soomaaliya, ayaa la sheegay inuu baaba’ay ka dib markii awoodii lagu curyaamiyay weeraro ciidan oo gudaha Soomaaliya ay ka fuliyeen ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo uu amray Ra’isal-wasaaraha Itoobiya, Meles Zenawi, sannadihii 1992-kii. Balse warbixinta Sudan Tribune, waxa ay sheegtay in Sheekhu uu hawlihiisa jihaadka u rogay wacygelin uu ka wado Masaajidada iyo Dugsiyada Culuunta Diiniga ah laga barto.

    Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys, eedaymaha Maraykanku ku xidhiidhiyay inuu ka mid yahay argagixisada wuxuu ku tilmaamay inay yihin dacaayado been ah oo ay ka fidiyeen cadawgiisu, intii ka dambaysay weeraradii 11 Sepetmmber ee lagu qaaday Maraykanka.

    Isaga oo khadka Teleefoonka lagu waraystay xilli uu Shekhu ku sugnaa Masaajid ku yaala waqooyiga magaalada Muqdisho, ayuu sheegay in kuwa aan Islaamka ahayni ay ku tilmaamaan argagixiso dadka ku dhegan Diintooda Islaamka ah.

    “Waxaan kula talinayaa Reer galbeedka inay maskaxdooda beddelaan, maxaa yeelay had iyo goor waxay dalalka iyo dadka Muslimiinta ah ugu yeedhaan inay argagixiso yihiin, taas oo aan run ahayn haba yaraatee”, ayuu yidhi Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways. “Taasina waa waxyaabaha sii kala fogaynaya dadka reer galbeedka iyo dunida Muslimka.” Ayuu yidhi Sheekh Daahir Aways.

    Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways oo wakhtigan hoggaamiya Urur Siyaasadeed oo Islaami ah oo lagu magacaabo Golaha Midnimada iyo badbaadada Soomaaliya, waxa uu cadeeyay in wakhtigan oo aanay Soomaaliya ka jirin dawladi in isaga iyo taageerayaashiisu ay qorshaynayaan sidii ay dalka Soomaaliya uga hirgelin lahaayeen dalka Soomaaliya Dawlad Islaam ah.

    “Waxa aan ka soo horjeedaa dedaalka loogu jiro sidii dalkayaga loogu soo rogi lahaa dawlad ku salaysan dhaqanka Dimuqraadiydda Reer galbeedka. Waxa aanu ku tallo jirnaa inaanu annagu samaysano habka dawladnimo ee aanu dalkayaga u maamulayno iyo inaanu si madaxbanaan uga tashano danahayaga nololeed taasuna waa xuquuq Caalami ah oo aanu leenahay.” Ayuu yidhi Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways.

    Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo la waydiiyey in uu xidhiidh la leeyahay Cusama Bin Ladin iyo in uu dhaqaale iyo hub ka helay Dawladda Eretreiya, ayaan arrintaas jawaab toosa ka bixin, waxase uu ydihi “Xaq baan u leeyahay in cid Alla cidii aan doono aan la yeesho gacan saar iyo xidhiidh”

    Bishii September ee sannadkan khubarada Qaramada Midoobay u magacawday kormeerka cuno qabataynta hubka Soomaaliya warbixintii ay soo saareen waxa ay ku sheegeen in hoggaamiyayaal Musliminta xag jirka ah oo uu ka mid yahay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways ay la soo degeen hub iyo Saanad ciidan oo fara badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Waxyaalaha qarxa ee ka samaysan Baaruuda dhegaha fudud, Miinooyin, Bambooyinka gacanta laga tuuro, Gantaalaha lagula dagaalamo Taangiyada, Rasaas iyo qoryaha lidka diyaaradaha, iyaga oo isu diyaarinaya abaabul dagaal oo ay ugu yeedheen Jihaad lagala hortagayo haddii ciidamo shisheeye oo nabad ilaalin ah la keeno dalka Soomaaliya.

    Iyaga oo warbixintaas ku tilmaamay in Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways yahay hoggaamiye Diimeed iyo Siyaasadeed oo awood weyn oo muhiim ah ku leh Koonfurta Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Muqdisho.

    Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aways laftiisu muu qarsan inuu ku hawlanyahay qorshihisaas ku saabsan abaabulkiisa dagaal iyo inuu dhiso awoodiisa siyaasadeed. Isaga oo waraysigaas ay la yeelatay Sudan Tribune ku yidhi, “waxaan doonayaa inaan door muhiim ah oo siyaasadeed ku yeesho Mustaqbalka dalkayga, taasina waa ta aanu hadda ugu wacyigelinayno dadkayaga inay samaystaan dawlad ay leeyihin oo ka turjunta danahooda ku dhisan dhaqankooda Islaamiga ah.

    Jamhuuriya Online
