Thursday, December 25, 2008

Maansada Ciidda 2008 ee Murtad Kaffir

Masiixii baa dhashay oo,
Waa nuurkii dunida oo,
Isagu waa mid weyn oo,
Gudcurki wuu iftiimoo,
Cadowgi wuu cabsoodoo,
Fuleygi wuu cararayoo,
Caruurtii way cayaartoo,
Cilmigi wuu siyaadoo,
Dunidi way camirantoo,
Ceebtii way dhammaatoo,
Cisi ayaynu aragnoo,
Cidihii way farxeenoo,
Shaydaankii wuu casilay oo,
Masiixii baa dhashay oo,
Isagu waa mid gaaroo,
Dhammaan aan murwaynee,
U soo baxa aroortii...

By: Murtad Kaffir


  1. why are you making lies against our propeth isse alayhi salam islam is our relgion muhamed is our last messenger we believe the messenger ship of allah propeths We hate the disbelievers like you as ibrahim SAW hated we love the mujahidin Head of them Sheikh USama Bin laden as ibrahim loved the allies of allah.

    Before the hellfire inshalaah you will live under terror the answer is what you are seeing you liers

    who ever changes his relgiion we will slatugther him as we slaugther the goat i have seen film nowdays walaahi i intended to be the man who is slaughring this murtad

    beware we are coming

    beware we are coming

    Allahu akbar

  2. Abbas,

    Repent or your abode will be the hellfire.

    Soo hanuun baadi baa tahaye haddii kale jahannamo ayaad runtii ku waari.

  3. I don't know how people can live without God! The few years I was without Him were the worst years of my life. Nothing made sense.
