It’s sad to note that an underground Christian library based in the Luuq district of Somalia has lost all its possession courtesy of the Al-Shabaab an Islamic militant group. The militant group in a report by Regional Manager of Africa and South Asia for International Christian Concern (, Jonathan Racho, on December 6, descended on the underground Christian Library and destroyed it.
According to Racho, the militants destroyed the library and brought Bibles, Christian books, and audio/video materials to the city center and burned them after the Muslim noon prayer.
He noted that the guardian of the library fled the area hours after the library was found by the Islamists. His whereabouts are unknown. “Al-Shabaab’s district commissioner in Luuq, Sheik Farhaan Abdi Elmoghe, described the discovery of the library as “a blow to the misguided Somali Christians.”
He pointed out that the library was located in a derelict farm on the Juba River adding that it is not uncommon for the persecuted Somali Christians to literally bury their Bibles and other Christian materials because of intense persecution from Islamists.
“Christians in Somalia are paying the ultimate price for their faith in Jesus Christ. It’s high time for the churches throughout the world to stand with the underground churches of Somalia. Unfortunately, the world has ignored the atrocities that Al-Shabaab has been committing against innocents in Somalia,” Racho stated.
Speaking from Mogadishu on this latest development, a leader of an underground church said the library served as an underground Somali Bible college and that it’s one of the biggest and the most comprehensive Somali Christian libraries in southern Somalia.
He further added that the destruction of the library would not stop the Somali Christians from studying the scriptures. “Al-Shabaab has openly declared that it wants to wipe out Christianity from Somalia. This year alone, the Islamists have killed at least half a dozen Somali Christians. Despite the attacks by Islamists, the number of Somali Muslims converting to Christianity has grown in the past 15 years.
ICC is a Washington-DC based human rights organization that exists to help persecuted Christians worldwide. It provides awareness, advocacy, and assistance to the worldwide persecuted Church. And for more information log on to their
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Maktabad diinta Kiristaanka oo degmada Luuq ee Somaliya lagu bur buriyey.
ReplyDeleteLuuq (Saraar Media) Koox u dooda Xuquuqda kuwa laga tiro badan yahay ee Kirishtaanka oo lagu magaacaabo ICC (International Christian Concern) ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in la bur buriyay Maktabad dhulka hoostiisa laga qoday oo ay lahaayeen dad Kiristaan ah islamarkaana ku tiilay magaalada Luuq ee dalka Soomaaliya.
Maamulaha Hey’adan oo lagu magacaabo Jonathan Racho ayaa sheegay inay ka war heleen in 16-kii Bishan December la bur buriyay Maktabadaasi oo ay lahaayeen dad si qarsoodi ah u amaanisan diinta Kirishtaanka oo ku nool magaalada Luuq ee dalka Soomaaliya.
“Kooxo xag jir ah ayaa waxay bur buriyeen Maktabadda waxay qaateen Kutubtii Injiilka iyo Cajalado Maqal iyo Muuqaal ah oo halkaasi yaalay” ayuu yidhi Agaasimaha Hey’addan qaabilsan Xuquuqda Aqaliyaadka Kiristaanka.
Sidoo kale qof magaciisa qariyay oo ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa Xaqiijiyay warkan ku saabsan bur burinta Maktabadda ay lahaayeen Aqaliyaad Kiristaan qarsoon oo ku sugan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.
Shaqsigaasi magaciisa qariyay waxa uu xusay in Ciidamo uu hogaaminayay waaliga degmada Luuq Sheekh Farxaan Ciilmooge ay gaadheen deegaan ay beer ku taalo oo ka tirsan magaalada Luuq islamarkaana ay bilaabeen inay faagaan god weyn oo halkaasi ku yiilay kadibna ay kasoo saaraan Maktabad weyn oo halkaasi ku aasneyd.
Ilaa iyo hadda ma jirto war rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay wilaayada Islaamiga ah ee Gedo oo ay ku qirayaan ama ay ku beeninayaan warka kasoo yeedhay Hey’adan qaabilsan Aqaliyaadka dadka Kirishtaanka ah.