Saturday, June 11, 2011

Xerow Xusuus Mudan - An Apostle Worthy of Memorial

Prof Ahmed Ali Haile waxa uu ku geeriyooday Milwaukee, USA, April 26, 2011 isaga oo jira 58 sano.

Xuskiisa inkastoo aan lagu soo koobi karin bogag yar, haddana toddobadan cutub ee jiiftada ah, waxaan xusuus uga dhigayaa walaalkeena naga qarsoomay, Axmed Cali Xayle, oo qiime iyo qaaye aad u wayn ku dhex lahaa guud ahaan dadka Soomaalida, gaar ahaanna kaniisadda Ciise Masiix, oo uu wax badan hormuud ka ahaa.

Although one can’t narrate Ahmed Ali Haile's life and works in several pages of pros or poetry, I composed the following seven chapter Somali poem to remind both his friends and foes the important roles he played, in peace building and preaching the Gospel of Christ, amongst the Somali society and particularly that of the Somali Church of Jesus Christ in which he was one of its leaders for many years.       
Xigaalkii nabaddee                 The cherisher of peace
Xiisaddiisa samihiyo               You taught benevolence
Xal u helid masiibada             How to solve conflicts
Xarafkeeda dhigayee              You taught them all
Xarbigaa colaadaha                In times of wars and enmity
Xaladhaleyda raadshee           You counseled the fighters
Xumahoo la diidiyo                You told them to reject evil
Xurguf ka dhawrsiga              To shun clashes altogether
Xaal in loo mastuuriyo            To strive towards reconciliation
Xaajogal ahaayoow                 You were a peacemaker
Xayow Axmed Xayloow           Ahmed Ali Haile, eternal life is yours
Xerowgii Eebbihiisee               You are a disciple of God
Xulashada walaalaha               You witnessed to brothers and sisters
Xilbax loo nisbeeyee                You were a true liberator
Xurmo nagu lahaayee              You are respected amongst us
Xusuusteenna mudanow          We will always remember you

Xulafadiisa Eebbahay             You were a patriarch
Xiise kii u badiyee                  You loved your people
Xajinaayay qirashada              You were strong in your faith
Xarafkii Waqiisee                    And the Word of God
Xubbigiis ahaayeen                 You loved with all your heart
Xadhiggiisa gooynee               You did not abandon any of these.
Xarakada Masiixiyo                 Among the believers
Xamdigiisa badiyee                 You praised the Lord
U xadreeyay dhaaxee              You praised the Lord with hymns
Xubin wayn ka qaatoow          You were the pillar of the community
Xayow Axmed Xayloow           Ahmed Haile, eternal life is yours
Xerowgii Eebbihiisee              You are a disciple of God
Xulashada walaalaha              You witnessed to brothers and sisters
Xilbax loo nisbeeyee               You were a true liberator
Xurmo nagu lahaayee             You are respected among us
Xusuusteenna mudanow         We will always remember you

Xaasaan miskiiniyo                 Those who are really poor
Xafaare taag daran                  The weak and the needy
Xanfaf nimuu helay                 The unfortunate ones
Xantiire qoys galay                 The poor and the destitute
Isagoon u kala xilan                You were impartial
Xurquunkii daruuriga              You gave away your daily bread
Xagagab wuxuu helo               Even the money you needed
Kii u xaasinaayee                    You gave freely with love
Xayow Axmed Xayloow            Ahmed Haile, eternal life is yours
Xerowgii Eebbihiisee               You are a disciple of God
Xulashada walaalaha               You witnessed to brothers and sisters
Xilbax loo nisbeeyee               You were a true liberator
Xurmo nagu lahaayee             You are respected among us
Xusuusteenna mudanow         We will always remember you

Xigtada kuwuu baday             His own beloved clan
Xalli yidhi amuurtood             Whom he wanted to help
Xinif iyaguna qabay                They were filled with enmity
Xubintii laxaadkiyo                 And though your own leg
Kaa xuubshay xooggii            You lost by them
Lama aad xintaminee              You sought no revenge
Xeerkii Injiilka iyo                   The guidelines of the gospel
Suu Xaakimkeen qiray            The way God taught us
Xabad kii ka saaree                You forgave them
Xugmay caafintoodow            It was unconditional forgiveness
Xayow Axmed Xayloow          Ahmed Haile, eternal life is yours
Xerowgii Eebbihiisee              You are a disciple of God
Xulashada walaalaha              You witnessed to brothers and sisters
Xilbax loo nisbeeyee               You were a true liberator
Xurmo nagu lahaayee             You are respected among us
Xusuusteenna mudanow         We will always remember you

Xaruntiisa reerkiyo                  Your own home
Hadba xerada uu dego            Or wherever you were
Kii loo xoomi jirayee               People flocked to you
Xirgida cuqaashiyo                 The wise clan elders
Xaajoodka sheekhyada           Sheiks brought cases to you
Xigmadoo la qaybsado           The sagacity you shared
Xifaalaynta guudiyo               The lighthearted discourse
Xogwaranka mooyee              Confiding in each other
Iyadoon xanaaq jirin              Without frustration
Doodda xaalin jirayow           You settled all issues
Xayow Axmed Xayloow          Ahmed Haile, eternal life is yours
Xerowgii Eebbihiisee              You are a disciple of God
Xulashada walaalaha              You witnessed to brothers and sisters
Xilbax loo nisbeeyee               You were a true liberator
Xurmo nagu lahaayee             You are respected among us
Xusuusteenna mudanow         We will always remember you

Xile Maarta Xayliyo                Martha Haile, your wife
Xayi Afraxii curad                  Brilliant Afrah, your first born
Xubbidaa Safiya iyo               Your beloved Sophia
Xuur Geeddi yarihii                Lad Geeddi, the youngest
Qoyskaad xannaaniyo             The family you loved
Xoojinaysay kaalmada            You supported for life
Rabbigaa xawilayee                The Lord will take care of them
Xuska adiga mooyee               They will keep your memory alive
Xagal daaci maayaan              Nothing bad will happen to them
Ka xijaaban baalluhu              They are protected from evil
Xayow Axmed Xayloow           Ahmed Haile, eternal life is yours
Xerowgii Eebbihiisee              You are a disciple of God
Xulashada walaalaha              You witnessed to brothers and sisters
Xilbax loo nisbeeyee               You were a true liberator
Xurmo nagu lahaayee             You are respected among us
Xusuusteenna mudanow         We will always remember you

Xaggii loo badnaa iyo            You departed from us
Xudinteeda aakhiro                You went to the hereafter
Xukunkiisa Eebbaha               In the Lord’s judgment
Xalaal baad ahaydoo              You are found to be a saint
Xisbigii Masiix iyo                  You belong to the Messiah
Xaqii aad rumaysaa                 You believed in the Lord
Xisaabtaada qaadayo              The Lord is your advocate
Ku xarootay jannadee             You are at home in Heaven
Xugmadiisa Rabbigaan           And we wait for the Lord
Xallad naawilaynaa                 In faith and prayerfulness
Xayow Axmed Xayloow           Ahmed Haile, eternal life is yours
Xerowgii Eebbihiisee              You are a disciple of God
Xulashada walaalaha              You witnessed to brothers and sisters
Xilbax loo nisbeeyee               You were a true liberator
Xurmo nagu lahaayee             You are respected among us
Xusuusteenna mudanow         We will always remember you

Composed by: 
MG, on May 3rd, 2011.

Translated by: Brother Warsameh


  1. Ahmed Haile was a faithful follower of Christ, a professor of peace,a friend of the less fortunate,a cherished family man, and more.
    He will be honored and remembered for many years to come.
    Mohamed Gurhan

  2. Amin, Brother Gurhan. The Somali church appreciates your godly poetry.
